New York Senator Chuck Schumer evidently had an “aha” moment following Hillary Clinton’s unexpected defeat by President Trump. He is certain that it was a message directly sent from “God.”
It is evident, from his thought process, that Schumer believes the message translates to a push for a further fight against Trump.
Segueing the epic loss for Democrats (not merely the White House but throughout the country as well), Schumer stated he was in a “deep funk” and didn’t figured out how to act.
Schumer stated for Politico that he fell into a “deep funk” following
Hillary Clinton’s loss of the presidential position in November and did
not stand up until he received “almost a message from God.”
“He said he fell into a deep funk for three days after Clinton lost and
Democrats blew their best chance at taking back the Senate until 2020,”
it got reported by Politico. “But on the fourth day, Schumer says, ‘it
was like a thunderbolt hit me, almost a message from God.’”
“I said to myself if Hillary won and you were majority leader, the job would be more fun and it would be a lot easier. And most importantly you’d get to do some good things,” Schumer stated. “But with Trump as president and you as minority leader, the job is much more important. That has fueled me ever since.”
Apparently Schumer is assured that his “message from God” was to take the power back from Republicans no matter what the consequences are? It is almost funny how the roles switched and the same narrative with it.
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