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Maxine Waters just disgraced Congress and the state of California with an outlandish attack on Trump for even her. She went on Cedder L...

Maxine Waters Disgraces Congress: “Trump’s Talking About Killing Young White Children”

Maxine Waters just disgraced Congress and the state of California with an outlandish attack on Trump for even her.
She went on Cedder Live to endorse Joe Biden and went on to say Trump is talking about killing young white children?
BRAD SMITH: You’ve expressed being unsure that Biden can win the presidency over Trump. Do you expect the escalation of national issues and the responses of both candidates to voters one way or the other?

REP. MAXINE WATERS: I do, I do. I know there have been some concerns about Biden, but I see a growing understanding that he must be elected. He must be elected because this president is destroying America. And not only is he goading confrontation, this business of calling out the military, now he’s not only talking about killing black people, he’s talking about killing young white children.
And guess what? Guess what? I do not believe that whether you’re a Republican or you are an independent that you’re going to stand for your white daughter, your white son to be killed by the military because this president is using it as a campaign tool in order to have his people that already support him believe that he’s saving them from these bad people, these outrageous people.
During an appearance Saturday on MSNBC, Waters said of the looters:
“Young people, they have a whole new definition for ‘looting,’” she said.

“They say ‘looting’ is predatory lending in, you know, minority neighborhoods, where they’re paying 300 and 400 percent on loans by these payday lenders. You know, on and on and on. They have a different definition for it.”

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