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  During the final night of the RNC, a group of around 100 “peaceful protesters” were trying to start trouble on the streets of D.C. ...

After Washington ‘Mob’ Goes After Rand Paul – He Calls For The FBI To Arrest And Investigate Them


During the final night of the RNC, a group of around 100 “peaceful protesters” were trying to start trouble on the streets of D.C.

At the end of the event, Sen. Rand Paul and his wife tried to make their way back to his hotel. That’s when this mob went after them.

According to his story, it was only thanks to city police that they made it out alive. Video shows the police had to intervene to get him to safety.

Now, the senator is calling for major consequences:

The Pauls were unharmed, but the senator is still calling on the FBI to make arrests and conduct an investigation into the “interstate criminal traffic being paid for across state lines” because people have already been killed in other cities.

“I believe there are going to be people who are involved with the attack on us that actually were paid to come here, are not from Washington, D.C., and are sort of paid to be anarchists,” he said. 

The senator is calling for an FBI investigation, claiming those who tried to attack he and his wife were out-of-state actors “paid to be anarchists.”

 It has been revealed over the Summer that many of those starting riots and spreading chaos are not locals.

Many have attested that strangers infiltrated their cities to set fires, loot stores, and attack bystanders.

We also know that radical groups like Antifa and Black Lives Matter have close connections with Democrats. In the past, they have even been funded by liberal donors.

Could the Democrats be paying anarchists to show up in cities and Trump events to start trouble?

We don’t know for sure, but Sen. Paul wants answers. The FBI can get involved if attackers have traveled over state lines to commit crimes.

Recently, federal authorities worked with Wisconsin police to capture would-be rioters who crossed into the state to start trouble.

Considering the scope and on-going nature of the Summer riots, it’s unlikely they were all grassroots, “organic” events.

They had to be planned, organized, and funded.

We know that the DOJ has been at work uncovering those behind the violence. Numerous figures have already been arrested.

Who will they find behind all this, pulling the strings?

Key Takeaways:

  • Paul was attacked on his way home from the DNC.
  • Paul and his wife survived, because of police intervention.
  • The senator is calling for an FBI case, saying the attackers were from out-of-state.

Source: Fox News

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